Prices for editing books & more
Editing prices for books
Think of Quinn as a mid-range provider as far as pricing. You’ve put a lot of time and work into your project—don’t shortchange it at the end. Poor-quality editing (or worse, no editing) will cost you big-time in the long run. But there ARE ways to keep costs minimal and still reap the benefits of quality editing.
I work with each client individually—no canned, by-the-word rates. I just don’t feel it’s fair to charge the same if one job is fairly clean and another of the same length is a hot mess. If you’ve done the work to get your project as clean as you can, you should benefit.
To assure a good fit between editor and writer—and to give a more accurate price estimate—I offer a FREE 3-page sample edit for manuscripts over 30 pages long. This is for an industry-standard page, which is 12 point Times New Roman or similar font, double spaced, 1” margins all around, and equals about 250 words per page.
With a FREE sample edit, you get to see how my editing style fits with your vision for your project. And I get to see the kind and level of work your project needs. WIN-WIN!
Editing prices for other author needs
10% Discount on prices listed below for current editing clients—get it all done & be ready to launch or submit!
SELL SHEET $65 (to send to libraries and book stores)
AUTHOR PAGE COPY $35+ (such as on Amazon, D2D, Apple, etc.)
BOOK PAGE COPY $35+ (such as on Amazon, D2D, Apple, etc.)
AUTHOR BIO(s)—short $25, medium $35, long $45
Contact me for pricing to edit book proposal packages, submission packages, website copy, and blogs—and for digital formatting of your book for uploading